Minor Offenses Ordinance Committee

The Haines Borough Alaska Official Website

On 10/13/15, the assembly passed the following motion: “the mayor appoint an ad hoc committee of no more than seven assembly and public members to review the laws identified in the minor offenses ordinance as a whole and make recommendations to the Borough Assembly no later than April 26, 2016.” The mayor solicited letters of interest and, on 10/27/15, the assembly confirmed her appointments.

The minor offenses committee welcomed public participation and input on its work. Public comments could be submitted via email to committee members. The public was also invited to speak at any of the committee meetings during two opportunities for public comment at the start and end of each meeting. Public comment was limited to three minutes per person, each opportunity. Any questions about the committee's work could be directed to the chair, Bill Thomas, or any committee member.

The committee met for several months and, with borough attorney assistance, prepared a substitute ordinance that was presented on 5/10/16. The committee also recommended two public hearings on the new draft to give the community and assembly ample time to consider the recommended changes. The assembly accepted the substitute ordinance recommended by the committee and scheduled the recommended hearings for 5/24/16 and 6/14/16 after which the ordinance was adopted with an effective date of July 14, 2016 (30 days following adoption).  Therefore, this ad hoc committee's work is done, and the committee is TERMED.


Bill Thomas (chair)

Don Turner Jr.

Deb Vogt

Mike Denker

Mike Case

Ron Jackson

Margaret Friedenauer (secretary)