Commercial Fishing Advisory Committee

The Mayor is looking for 7 people to participate in the newly formed Commercial Fishing Advisory Committee:

· Commercial Salmon Troller
· Commercial Gilnetter
· Commercial Pot Fisherman (Crab/Shrimp)
· Commercial Long-line Fisherman
· Commercial Fishing Industry Seat (Fish processor, tender, etc.)
· Two Community-at-large

This ad hoc group was established by assembly motion on October 12, 2021 to address the issue of commercial fishing in the borough. 

These are mayor-appointed positions. If you are interested in being considered for one of the above positions, please submit ASAP either a letter of interest or the appointment application form available on the Borough’s website or from the Borough Clerk. Resumes or a detailed description of qualifications are strongly encouraged. You must be a Haines Borough resident as defined in HBC 2.60.020.  Please apply by November 5 since the mayor would like to make the appointments no later than the November 9, 2021 assembly meeting. Submit applications directly to:

Borough Clerk’s Office
Haines Borough
P.O. Box 1209 or 103 Third Ave. S.