Public Safety Commission / Personnel Committee

Monday, August 15, 2016 - 5:30pm

Location:  Borough Assembly Chambers, 213 Haines Highway

This will be a joint meeting with the Personnel Committee for the first part of the agenda.


a, Consider the idea of the EMTs reporting directly to the Chief of Police with a dotted line to the Fire Chief for work coordination

b. Meeting with Chief Scott to share ideas and listen to a presentation including the following:

  1. Non-disclosure agreements
  2. 120 day plan
  3. Review of sensitive item inventory
  4. Review of officer complaint process
  5. Manpower (mission requirement)

Clerk’s Note: Some or all of items 3-5 above may be held in executive session because of the presentation and discussion of sensitive law enforcement material.  Should that need to take place, a recommended motion has been provided below:

Motion: “Go into executive session as allowed by AS 44.62.310(c) and Haines Borough Charter Section 18.03(B) to review and discuss sensitive law enforcement material; this qualifies for executive session because these matters involve consideration of government information that by law is not subject to public disclosure, including invasion of privacy and certain crime victim information; and a public discussion could also prejudice the character and reputations of persons involved.”