Ayiklutu Trail


Ayiklutu Trail
4438 Chilkat State Park Road
Haines, AK 99827

Ayiklutu Trail

Explore 6.8 miles of rain forest and beaches that parallel the Chilkat
Inlet and Davidson Glacier.

How do I find the trailhead?

The trailhead is located in Chilkat State Park, south of town off Mud Bay Road
to the right where the road forks. Follow the signs to the park. The road descends
through steep “S” turns. At the first left is a cul-de-sac where you can park. If you
continue on the road, you’ll find a camp host cabin with a lovely deck where you can
view the glaciers with a spotting scope. At the end of the road is a picnic area and
boat launch for those who’d like to enjoy a barbecue, walk along the beach, or paddle
on the water.

How challenging is the trail?

With a pair of sturdy shoes, layered attire, and a cache of water and snacks you can
hike the first leg to Moose Meadow in 45 minutes. From Moose Meadow, the trail
winds in and out of the forest from cove to cove and along rocky beaches. You can
get trapped by the tides so make sure to check the tide table before setting out.
If you’re planning to camp, make sure to carry enough water or a water filtration
system. David’s Cove is privately owned so camping is not allowed in this area.

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59.137849600991, -135.36727261708