Waterfront Aesthetics ad hoc Subcommittee

Waterfront Aesthetics ad hoc Subcommittee

In 2015, Mayor Hill referred the waterfront aesthetics issue jointly to the Planning Commission, Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee, and Tourism Advisory Board.  She did not intend for the groups to work separately on the matter.  When those three advisory groups first met together last summer, they decided a subcommittee would be easier to work with. The subcommittee is comprised of a representative from each of the three groups plus others.  There have been three meetings, but the group has not met for several months while awaiting the necessary harbor expansion permitting. The subcommittee intends to resume meeting, as needed, to develop recommendations that will ultimately go to the Planning Commission. Until such time as recommendations are ready for the Planning Commission, the various subcommittee reps are asked to report back to their respective boards.

This subcommittee is made up of representatives from various groups, as follows:

Name Position/Group Represented Email Address
Jan Hill, Chair Mayor jhill [at] haines.ak.us
  Borough Assembly  
Don Turner Jr. Port & Harbor Advisory Committee Helen99827 [at] live.com
Donnie Turner Planning Commission stacie [at] aptalaska.net
Burl Sheldon Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee burls58 [at] yahoo.com
Kyle Gray Chamber of Commerce KGray [at] FNBAlaska.com
Sean Gaffney Tourism Advisory Board seangaffney [at] alaskamountainguides.com
Doug Olerud Community Member at Large douglas [at] alaskasportshop.com

There was some misunderstanding regarding the importance of having some type of written record of the subcommittee meetings, whether notes or official minutes. Attached to this page are unoffical-unapproved notes that were taken by one of the members.  The group will be encouraged to record future meetings and submit a written meeting summary.