2021-2022 Snow Removal for Cathedral View/Piedad Area

Bid/RFP Status
Bid/RFP Due Date
Bid/RFP Awarded To
Glacier Construction, Inc., dba Southeast Road Builders
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The Haines Borough is accepting proposals for Snow Plowing the Cathedral View/Piedad Area. 

Cathedral View Drive and a portion of Hooter Lane up to the turnaround beyond Hansens’, Upper Piedad between Moose Lane and Anway Road, portions of Anway Road and Sunshine Road, as well as all of Vermier Street, Moose Lane and a portion of North Sawmill Road. The borough shall pay for this work on a lump sum, per-job rate basis. Areas shall be cleared of snow to a minimum width of twenty-four feet whenever snow accumulates to a depth of six inches or more and remove ice and hard packed snow from the areas.
The contractor shall plow the streets specified in the contract whenever snow accumulates to a depth of six inches or more and remove ice and hard packed snow from the areas.
The Borough Manager may negotiate special conditions to the contract as may be in the best interests of the Borough.
The Borough may choose to remove snow in this area at any time, at their discretion.
The contractor shall be responsible for the inspection of the area prior to snow fall.
The contractor shall be responsible for the repair, replacement or reconstruction of any damage to public or private property caused by the contractor.
The contractor is responsible for and shall include in its quote amount all costs for equipment, labor, maintenance, fuel, insurance, mobilization and any other cost necessary to perform the work.

Interested contractors can find the documents relating to this bid at www.publicpurchase.com