Applying to Vote Absentee in the Haines Borough Election

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Haines Borough General Election Day

October 1, 2024 Absentee Ballot Options

Apply to Vote Absentee-by-Mail:   Deadline is September 20, 2024
Apply to Vote Absentee-by-Fax or Email:    Deadline 5:00 pm September 30, 2024


Vote Absentee-in-Person (Early Voting):   M-F 9:00 - 5:00 pm at the Admin Building
September 16 - September 30
Election day: October 1 - Polls Open at 7:00 am - 8:00 pm at the ANB Hall and the Klehini Valley Fire Hall

Applications are available at the Borough Administration Building or attached to this webpage. The law stipulates the time parameters for absentee voting.  Don’t miss out!

Further information on elections may be obtained by calling The Borough Clerk’s Office at 766-6400, 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday.

Per HBC 11.36.010(A), "at any election, a qualified voter may vote an absentee ballot for any reason."

[Reference HBC 11.36.020]

  • The application for an absentee ballot must show the applicant’s place of residence and be signed by the applicant.
  • Apply for Absentee by Mail Ballot. A qualified voter entitled to cast an absentee ballot may, in person or by mail, electronic mail, or by facsimile machine, file a written, signed application for an absentee-by-mail ballot with the borough clerk between January 1 and not less than 10 days before the election for which the absentee ballot is sought. If a voter fails to provide a specific ballot mailing address on an absentee-by-mail ballot application, the ballot will be mailed to the mailing address on the voter’s record.
  • Apply for Absentee-by-Fax/Email Ballot. A qualified voter must submit a written, signed application for a fax ballot to the borough clerk’s office between January 1 and 5:00 p.m. the day before the election. An absentee ballot that is completed and returned by the voter by fax or email must contain the following statement: I understand that by using fax or email transmission to return my marked ballot, I am voluntarily waiving a portion of my right to a secret ballot to the extent necessary to process my ballot, but expect that my vote will be held as confidential as possible.
  • Early Voting. A qualified voter may vote early in the Borough Administration Building 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m on or after the fifteenth day before an election up to and through the day before election day.
  • Absentee Voting by Personal Representative. A qualified voter who is unable to go to the polling place due to age, illness or disability may appoint a personal representative to obtain a ballot for the voter in the Borough Administration Building 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m on or after the fifteenth day before an election up to and through the day before election day and from the polling site on election day.

Additional information:

  • Any voter issued an absentee ballot may, at any time prior to the closing of the polls on the day of the election for which it is issued, appear at the office of the borough clerk or at one of the Election Day polling locations, and there cast a ballot in the following manner: The voter first shall show the borough clerk or other election official that the ballot has not been marked, then shall mark the ballot, as indicated by the instructions on the ballot, in the presence of the borough clerk or other election official, in such a manner that the borough clerk or election official cannot see how it is marked. The borough clerk or other election official shall secure the ballot and deliver it to the appropriate place for counting.
  • At any time on or before the day of the election, any voter issued an absentee ballot may appear before any person authorized by law to administer oaths, and in the presence of such officer cast the voter’s ballot in the same manner the voter would cast it under this section in the office of the borough clerk or other place designated under this section. After executing the affidavit printed on the return envelope, the officer shall return the envelope to the voter who shall mail it to the borough clerk.